大問1 基本を確認しよう!
- The ( ) book is on the best-seller list. (売れている本)
- The ( ) window needs to be repaired. (壊れた窓)
- The ( ) child is always happy. (幸せな子供)
- The ( ) man is my uncle. (窓際に座っている男性)
- The ( ) flowers are beautiful. (咲いている花)
- a broken heart
- a sleeping baby
- a developing country
- a closed door
- a rising sun
- 燃えている家
- 書かれた手紙
- 疲れている学生
- 微笑んでいる女性
- 壊れた時計
- The eating apple is delicious.
- The broken glass is on the floor.
- The sleeping baby is so cute.
- The falling leaves are beautiful.
- The interested book is on the shelf.
- The selling book is on the best-seller list. (売れている本)
- The broken window needs to be repaired. (壊れた窓)
- The happy child is always happy. (幸せな子供)
- The sitting man is my uncle. (窓際に座っている男性)
- The blooming flowers are beautiful. (咲いている花)
- a broken heart:壊れた心
- a sleeping baby:寝ている赤ちゃん
- a developing country:発展途上国
- a closed door:閉まっているドア
- a rising sun:昇る太陽
- a burning house
- a written letter
- a tired student
- a smiling woman
- a broken watch
- The eaten apple is delicious. (食べられたリンゴ)
- The broken glass is on the floor. (正)
- The sleeping baby is so cute. (正)
- The falling leaves are beautiful. (正)
- The interesting book is on the shelf. (面白い本)
大問2 副詞を伴う分詞の機能を確認しよう!
- The ( ) ( ) child was playing in the park. (楽しそうに遊んでいる子供)
- The ( ) ( ) novel kept me up all night. (心を揺さぶる小説)
- The ( ) ( ) building was a landmark of the city. (歴史的に重要な建物)
- The ( ) ( ) athlete won the gold medal. (熱心にトレーニングしたアスリート)
- The ( ) ( ) problem required a lot of thought. (複雑に絡み合った問題)
- 深く考え込んだ表情をしている人
- 美しく刺繍されたハンカチ
- ゆっくりと流れる川
- よく知られた俳優
- 突然現れた猫
- The slowly moving train arrived at the station.
- The beautifully singing bird cheered me up.
- The carefully writing essay was praised by the teacher.
- The quickly running boy fell down.
- The deeply thinking problem was difficult.
- The happily playing child was in the park. (楽しそうに遊んでいる子供)
- The deeply moving novel kept me up all night. (心を揺さぶる小説)
- The historically important building was a landmark of the city. (歴史的に重要な建物)
- The hard-training athlete won the gold medal. (熱心にトレーニングしたアスリート)
- The intricately tangled problem required a lot of thought. (複雑に絡み合った問題)
- A person with a deeply thoughtful expression.
- A beautifully embroidered handkerchief.
- A slowly flowing river.
- A well-known actor.
- A suddenly appearing cat.
- The slowly moving train arrived at the station. (正)
- The beautifully singing bird cheered me up. (美しく歌っている鳥)
- The carefully written essay was praised by the teacher. (丁寧に書かれたエッセイ)
- The quickly running boy fell down. (素早く走っている男の子)
- The deeply thought problem was difficult. (深く考えられた問題)