【5分で確認】【仮定法:問題演習】”were to”を活用した問題演習に挑戦しよう!

were to に関する問題演習

were to は、非現実的な未来の状況を仮定する際に使われる助動詞です。以下の問題を通して、were to の使い方をマスターしましょう。


  1. 次の文の空欄に適切な語句を入れなさい。
    • If I (  ) win the lottery, I would buy a big house. (a) should (b) were to (c) will
    • If it (  ) snow tomorrow, we can go skiing. (a) were to (b) should (c) would
    • (  ) I to have a time machine, I would visit the dinosaurs. (a) Should (b) Were (c) Would
  2. 次の日本語を英語に訳しなさい。
    • もし私が鳥だったら、どこへでも飛んでいけるだろう。
    • もし明日雨が降ったら、私たちは家で映画を見ることにしよう。
    • もし私が君だったら、もっと努力するだろう。
  3. 次の英文を日本語に訳しなさい。
    • Were I to meet the Queen, I would be very nervous.
    • If she were to become a doctor, she would help many people.
    • Should you change your mind, please let me know.


  1. (b) were to
  • 宝くじに当たることは、現実的に起こりにくいので、were to を使う。
  • (b) were to
    • 明日が雪が降ることは、可能性は低いので、should を使うこともできるが、were to も使える。
  • (b) Were
    • 倒置が起こっているので、Were が適切。
    • If I were a bird, I could fly anywhere I wanted.
  • If it should rain tomorrow, we will watch a movie at home.
  • If I were you, I would try harder.
    • もし私が女王様にお会いしたら、とても緊張するだろう。
  • もし彼女が医者になったら、多くの人々を助けるだろう。
  • もし君が考えを変えたら、教えてください。


  • were to は、より非現実的な状況、特にありえないことを仮定する際に使われる。
  • should は、were to よりも少し可能性を残した状況を仮定する。
  • 倒置は、were to の文でよく見られる。主語と動詞の順番が入れ替わる。

were to の発展問題


  1. If I (were to/should) win the lottery, I would travel around the world.
    • もし宝くじに当たったら、世界中を旅行するだろう。
  2. (Were/Should) you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask.
    • もし何か助けが必要なら、遠慮なく言ってください。
  3. If the weather (were to/should) be fine tomorrow, we could go for a picnic.
    • もし明日天気がよければ、ピクニックに行けるのに。


  1. もし私が鳥だったら、どこへでも飛んでいけるのに。
  2. もし彼女が医者になったら、多くの人々を助けるだろう。
  3. 万が一、彼が来れなくなったら、どうしましょうか。


  1. Were I to meet the president, I would be very nervous.
  2. If it should rain tomorrow, we will have to cancel the picnic.
  3. Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


  1. If I will win the lottery, I will buy a car.
  2. Should you need something, you can call me.
  3. Were I you, I would study harder.

問題5:次の文を、were to を使って書き換えなさい。

  1. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay home.
  2. When you see him, please give him my regards.



  1. were to:宝くじに当たることは非現実的な状況なので、were to を使う。
  2. Should:もし何か助けが必要な場合、という状況は、可能性としては低いものの、ゼロではないので、should を使う。
  3. were to:明日天気が良いことは、現時点ではわからないので、were to を使う。


  1. If I were a bird, I could fly anywhere I wanted.
  2. If she were to become a doctor, she would help many people.
  3. Should he not be able to come, what shall we do?


  1. もし私が大統領に会ったら、とても緊張するだろう。
  2. もし明日雨が降ったら、ピクニックをキャンセルしなければなりません。
  3. もし何か質問があれば、遠慮なく聞いてください。


  1. If I were to win the lottery, I will buy a car. (will を were to に)
  2. Should you need something, you can call me. (can を could に)
  3. 正しい。


  1. Were it to rain tomorrow, we would stay home.
  2. Were you to see him, please give him my regards.


  • 文脈: 文脈によって、were to と should の使い分けが変わる。
  • 倒置: were to の文では、主語と動詞の倒置が起こることがある。
  • 帰結節: were to の帰結節には、通常、would を使う。
  • 可能性の度合い: were to はより非現実的な状況、should は少し可能性を残した状況を表す。

were to の並び替え問題を作成します。



  1. were / to / I / a / bird / fly / could / if
  2. should / need / you / any / help / don’t / hesitate / to / ask
  3. to / win / were / lottery / I / if / the / a / car / buy / would
  4. to / meet / queen / were / I / the / nervous / very / be / would
  5. should / rain / it / tomorrow / we / stay / home / if


  1. If I were a bird, I could fly.
  2. Should you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.
  3. If I were to win the lottery, I would buy a car.
  4. Were I to meet the queen, I would be very nervous.
  5. If it should rain tomorrow, we will stay home.


  • were to の文では、主語と動詞が倒置することが多い。
  • should は、より可能性を残した状況を表す。
  • if の後に来る動詞は、過去形か were to の形になる。


次の日本語を英語に訳しなさい。ただし、were to を必ず使いなさい。

  1. もし私が億万長者だったら、世界中を旅行するだろう。
  2. 万が一、飛行機が遅延したら、どうしますか。
  3. もし彼女が大統領になったら、世界は平和になるだろう。


  1. If I were to become a billionaire, I would travel around the world.
  2. Were the plane to be delayed, what would you do?
  3. If she were to become president, the world would be peaceful.


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