- 登場人物の心の奥底を描く: 現実とは異なる状況を想像することで、登場人物の願望や後悔、葛藤などを深く表現できます。
- 物語に深みを与える: 「もし、あの時こうしていれば…」という読者の想像力を刺激し、物語への没入感を高めます。
- ドラマチックな展開を作る: 現実とは異なる結末を提示することで、読者に驚きや感動を与えることができます。
- if節: 過去形 (動詞の過去形)
- 主節: would/could/might/should + 動詞の原形
例: If I had studied harder, I could have passed the exam. (もっと一生懸命勉強していれば、試験に合格できたのに。)
例1: 恋愛小説
- If I had had the courage to confess my feelings at that time, I might not be regretting it so much now.
例2: ファンタジー小説
- If I couldn’t use magic, I wouldn’t have been able to survive in this world.
例3: SF小説
- If I had chosen a different path at that time, humanity might have been extinct.
- 具体的な描写: 読者が情景を想像できるように、具体的な言葉で描写しましょう。
- 感情表現: 登場人物の感情を表現することで、読者に共感してもらえます。
- 話の展開: 仮定法過去を使った描写が、物語全体の展開に自然につながるようにしましょう。
- タイムスリップした主人公が過去に戻り、友達に告白する場面: もし、あの時勇気を出して…
- 魔法使いの弟子が魔法の試験に失敗した場面: もし、もっと練習していれば…
- 宇宙飛行士が宇宙で遭難した場面: もし、緊急脱出装置が作動していれば…
- If he hadn’t held my hand at that time, I might not be alive now. He is the hero who saved my life.
タイトル:What If I Had Confessed?
あらすじ: 高校時代の文化祭。主人公のA子は、ずっと片思いしていたBくんに告白しようと決意する。しかし、いざその時が来ると、緊張してしまい、結局何も言えずじまい。数年後、A子はBくんと偶然再会する。
“If I had confessed to him that day, my life would be completely different now,” Aiko murmured to herself, staring out the window. She could still vividly remember the day of the school festival. She had been standing in the wings, watching B play the guitar, her heart pounding. She had made up her mind to confess her feelings, but when the moment came, she froze up and couldn’t say a word.“What if I had told him that I liked him? Maybe our future would have been different.”Aiko couldn’t help but wonder what could have been. Perhaps B would have liked her back. Maybe they would have gone on a graduation trip together, or maybe they would have attended the same university.But reality was different. B was already married and seemed happy with his life. Aiko told herself that she had no regrets about the choices she had made. However, deep down, a part of her still wondered “what if”.
タイトル:The Time Traveler’s Dilemma
あらすじ: タイムマシンを発明した科学者、ケンは、過去へ行って歴史を変えようとする。しかし、過去を変えると未来も変わるというパラドックスに悩まされる。
Ken stepped into his time machine and traveled back in time. He witnessed a pivotal moment in history. If only one person had made a different choice, he thought, history would have been completely different. Ken decided to intervene and change the course of history.But changing the past would also change the future, including his own. Ken realized the weight of the responsibility he was taking on.”If I hadn’t gone back in time, I wouldn’t be facing these dilemmas now,” he thought.Ken wanted nothing more than to return to the time before he had invented the time machine. But once the wheel of history had been set in motion, there was no turning back.
タイトル:What If the Moon Didn’t Exist?
あらすじ: 月が地球から消えてしまった世界。人類は、月の引力によって生じていた様々な現象の変化に苦しんでいた。
“If the moon hadn’t existed, Earth would not be such a wasteland,” Kei, an astronaut, said as he looked down at the Earth from the lunar base. The planet, once a beautiful blue marble, was now covered in deserts and experiencing extreme climate changes.“The Earth’s axis is stabilized by the Moon’s gravity. Tides are also caused by the Moon’s gravitational pull. If the Moon didn’t exist, life on Earth might never have begun.”Kei realized the importance of the Moon. He deeply regretted humanity’s neglect of the moon.