【5分で確認】【仮定法:問題演習】仮定法 “ifの省略”の問題演習に慣れて志望校に合格しよう!



以下の問題では、(  )の中に適切な語句を補い、意味の通る英文に完成させましょう。


  1. (  ) I you, I would accept the offer. (もし私があなたなら、その申し出を受け入れるだろう)
  2. (  ) it rain tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic. (もし明日雨が降ったら、ピクニックを中止するだろう)
  3. (  ) he studied harder, he could have passed the exam. (もし彼がもっと一生懸命勉強していれば、試験に合格できたのに)
  4. ( ) not for your help, I couldn’t have finished this work. (あなたの助けがなければ、この仕事を終えることができませんでした)
  5. (  ) I a bird, I could fly. (もし私が鳥だったら、飛べるのに)


  1. Were I you, I would accept the offer.
  2. Should it rain tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.
  3. Had he studied harder, he could have passed the exam.
  4. Were it not for your help, I couldn’t have finished this work.
  5. Were I a bird, I could fly.


  • 問題1, 5: 仮定法過去を表すため、were を文頭に置く。
  • 問題2: 仮定法未来を表すため、should を文頭に置く。
  • 問題3: 仮定法過去完了を表すため、had を文頭に置く。
  • 問題4: 「もし~がなければ」という表現は、were it not for を用いる。


  1. ( ) she come earlier, she would have met him. (もし彼女がもっと早く来たら、彼に会えたのに)
  2. ( ) I have a lot of money, I would buy a big house. (もし私がたくさんのお金を持っていたら、大きな家を買うだろう)
  3. ( ) he be honest, I would trust him. (もし彼が正直なら、彼を信用するだろう)


  1. Had she come earlier, she would have met him.
  2. Were I have a lot of money, I would buy a big house.
  3. Were he be honest, I would trust him.



  • 文脈: 文脈によって、ifを省略すべきか否か判断する力を養います。
  • 形式: フォーマルな文ではifを省略し、よりカジュアルな文ではifを残すなど、状況に応じた使い分けを意識します。
  • 難易度: 基礎的な問題から、倒置や強調構文など、より高度な問題までをバランス良く出題します。


1. 次の文の( )内に、適切な語句を補いなさい。

  • (  ) I were you, I would study harder.
  • If it (  ) tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.
  • (  ) he had studied harder, he could have passed the exam.
  • I would have called you if I (  ) your number.
  • (  ) you need any help, please let me know.

2. 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。

  • もし私がお金持ちだったら、世界中を旅行するだろう。
  • もし彼がもっと早く出発していれば、電車に間に合っただろう。
  • 明日雨が降ったら、家で過ごしましょう。
  • もしあなたが私のアドバイスを聞いていたら、今頃成功していたでしょう。
  • もし彼がここにいたら、この問題を解決できるでしょう。

3. 次の文を、ifを省略して書き換えなさい。

  • If I had more time, I would learn to play the piano.
  • If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.
  • If you see him, please tell him to call me.

4. 次の文の( )内に、ifまたはwereを補いなさい。

  • (  ) I you, I would do it differently.
  • (  ) it not for your help, I couldn’t have finished this work.
  • I would buy that car (  ) I had enough money.



  • Were
  • rains
  • Had
  • had known
  • Should 2.
  • If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
  • If he had left earlier, he could have caught the train.
  • If it rains tomorrow, let’s stay at home.
  • If you had listened to my advice, you would be successful now.
  • If he were here, he could solve this problem. 3.
  • Had I more time, I would learn to play the piano.
  • Should it rain tomorrow, we will stay at home.
  • Were you to see him, please tell him to call me. 4.
  • Were I you, I would do it differently.
  • Were it not for your help, I couldn’t have finished this work.
  • if I had enough money


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