



  1. The man _____ is standing there is my father.
  2. The book _____ I bought yesterday is very interesting.
  3. The girl _____ father is a doctor is kind.
  4. This is the house _____ I was born.
  5. The woman _____ I met at the party was a singer.


  1. 私が昨日会った男は私の友達です。
  2. 彼女が飼っている猫はとてもかわいいです。
  3. 私が住んでいる町は静かです。
  4. 私が好きな本はここにあります。
  5. 私が昨日買ったケーキはおいしかった。


  1. This is the pen which I lost it yesterday.
  2. The man who I saw him was very tall.
  3. The car which color is red is mine.


  1. The girl who is sitting next to me is my cousin.
  2. The book that I am reading is about history.
  3. The man whose car is broken is my neighbor.

問題5:次の文の(   )内に適切な語句を入れなさい。

  1. This is the restaurant (   ) I often go to.
  2. The woman (   ) I talked to is a teacher.
  3. The book (   ) cover is blue is mine.



  1. who
  2. which / that
  3. whose
  4. where
  5. whom


  1. The man whom I met yesterday is my friend.
  2. The cat which she keeps is very cute.
  3. The town where I live is quiet.
  4. The book which I like is here.
  5. The cake which I bought yesterday was delicious.


  1. This is the pen which I lost yesterday. → This is the pen that I lost yesterday.
  2. The man who I saw him was very tall. → The man whom I saw was very tall.
  3. The car which color is red is mine. → The car that is red is mine.


  1. 私の隣に座っている女の子は私のいとこです。
  2. 私が読んでいる本は歴史についてです。
  3. 車が壊れている男性は私の隣人です。


  1. This is the restaurant (to which / that) I often go.
  2. The woman (to whom / who) I talked to is a teacher.
  3. The book (whose) cover is blue is mine.


  • 問題1-3: 基本的な関係代名詞の用法を確認する問題です。
  • 問題4: 日本語から英語に訳すことで、理解度を深めます。
  • 問題5: 前置詞+関係代名詞の用法を確認します。



問題1:次の文の(   )内に適切な語句を入れなさい。

  1. This is the book (   ) I have been looking for.
  2. The man (   ) I spoke to yesterday is a doctor.
  3. The city (   ) I was born is very small.
  4. The reason (   ) he was late is that his car broke down.
  5. Do you know the man (   ) car is parked over there?


  1. 私が昨日会った女性は、私が今まで会った中で最も美しい女性の一人です。
  2. 彼女が住んでいる町は、私が子供の頃に住んでいた町に似ています。
  3. これが、私がいつも使っているペンです。
  4. 私が昨日買ったケーキは、とても甘くておいしかった。
  5. 彼が私たちに話してくれた話は、とても面白かったです。


  1. The man who I saw him yesterday is my teacher.
  2. This is the house where I lived it when I was a child.
  3. The reason why he came late is because he missed the train.


  1. The movie which we saw last night was boring.
  2. The woman whose son is a doctor is a nurse.
  3. The city where I was born is located in the countryside.

問題5:次の文の意味がほぼ同じになるように、(   )内に適切な語句を入れなさい。

  1. The man who lives next door is a doctor. = The man (   ) lives next door is a doctor.
  2. I know the girl. She can speak three languages. = I know the girl (   ) can speak three languages.



  1. (that)
  2. (to whom)
  3. (in which)
  4. (why)
  5. (whose)


  1. The woman whom I met yesterday is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met.
  2. The town where she lives is similar to the town where I lived when I was a child.
  3. This is the pen that I always use.
  4. The cake that I bought yesterday was very sweet and delicious.
  5. The story that he told us was very interesting.


  1. The man who I saw yesterday is my teacher. (himは不要)
  2. This is the house where I lived it when I was a child. (itは不要)
  3. The reason why he came late is because he missed the train. (becauseは不要)


  1. 私たちが昨夜見た映画は退屈だった。
  2. 息子が医者の女性は看護師です。
  3. 私が生まれた町は田舎にあります。


  1. The man (who) lives next door is a doctor.
  2. I know the girl (who) can speak three languages.

解説 これらの問題は、関係代名詞の様々な用法や、より複雑な文構造を扱っています。特に、問題5では、関係代名詞の省略や、文の構造を変化させる練習になります。


what: 「~するもの」「~こと」という意味で、先行詞を含んで表す。

前置詞+関係代名詞: to whom, in whichなど、前置詞と関係代名詞を組み合わせて使う。

関係代名詞の省略: 目的格の関係代名詞が省略される場合がある。

非制限用法: コマ(,)で区切って、補足説明を加える。


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