(能動態)The CEO put off the meeting.
(受動態)The meeting was put off by the CEO.
(能動態)The students picked up the flowers.
(受動態)The flowers were picked up by the students.
(能動態)The man looked for the key.
(受動態)The key was looked for by the man.
(能動態)The CEO run up the price.
(受動態)The price were run up by the CEO.
(能動態)The teacher made fun of the boy.
(受動態)The boy was made fun of by the teacher.
(能動態)The man make a fool of the dog.
(受動態)The dog was made a fool of by the man.
「catch sight of~(目に入る)」「lose sight of~(見失う)」は①に当てはまる。
(能動態)You should keeps an eye on the baby.
(受動態)An eye should be kept the baby
(能動態)We take pride in the job.
(受動態)Pride is took in the job.
「make allowance for~(考慮にいれる)」などは②に当てはまる
(能動態)We should take care of parents.
(受動態①)Parents shoul be took care of.
(受動態②)Care should be took of parents.
「take advantage of ~(利用する)」「pay attention to~ (注意を払う)」「take notice of~ (注意する)」などは③に当てはまる。
let + 目的語 + be + 過去分詞 )を使った表現
(能動態)Stop the car.
(受動態)Let the car be stopped.
“Let the car be stopped,”said someone.(「車をとめよ」と誰かが言った。)のようにダブルクォーテーション(”)や「say (said)」を用いて表現することもある。
命令文の受動態について(まとめ) | てばっち教育研究所 (tebatch.com): 【5分で確認】【受動態:文法】句動詞の受動態(まとめ)=発展=「疑問文の受動態について(特殊な疑問文について)」
(肯定文)The book was read by Tom.
(疑問文)Was the book read by Tom?
(答え方)Yes, it was./ No, it wasn’t.
(肯定文)This window can be opened by students.
(疑問文)Can this window be opened by students?
(答え方)Yes, it can. / No, it cannot (can’t).
(能動態)Who broke the window?
①By whom was the window broken?
②Whom was the window broken by?
③Who was the window broken by?