(〇)My mother has red eyes.
(✕)Red eyes are had by my mother.
(〇)The red wine costs 10,000 dollar.
(✕)10,000 dollar is cost by the red wine.
(〇)I resemble my father.
(✕)My father is resemble by me.
(〇)I enter the meeting room.
(✕)The meeting room is entered by me.
(能動態)I think that he tells a lie.
(受動態)It is thought that he tells a lie
(受動態)He is thought to be told a lie.
(能動態)Many people said that the boy was smart.
(受動態)It was said that the boy was smart.
(受動態)The boy was said to be smart.
(能動態)It seems that the boy has been told a lie.
(受動態)The boy seems to have been told a lie.